Your Words Are Weak

You can’t swear, so you already lost. You can’t fight back. You can’t fight back against a weapon that you neither have nor understand. You can’t argue with me, because I’m made of weird, wordy weapons. 

What do you have to say that doesn’t deserve the word “fuck” in 2024? So why can’t you say it? 

You have a boss! Who the fuck is that boss? Who cares! They get to say no swearing. They get to say no swearing, even though they swear! Who the fuck gets to swear? The boss! 

What are your words? Do they have rhythm? Do they dance? Don’t talk to me with stiff, wooden, dead words! Don’t write a paragraph when a sentence would do. Don’t write a sentence when a fuck will be more than enough! Fuck that shit!

Why does your boss not want swearing? Because that’s how it’s always been done. Because it’s not professional to go up to the President of the United States and call him a stupid, callow, cockless moron with nothing but shit in his ears and nose - I’d say mouth but that’s full with a fat fucking, billionaire boot. 

You believe that by not swearing you are signaling that you have some sort of self control, deference, willingness to do what you’re told, willingness to suck it up and do nothing when someone more powerful is wrong. Now here we are! You’re just weak! Fuck your boss! Fuck the President!

A judge in a courtroom wears a dress and tells people not to wear shorts. I’ve been in a courtroom, this is all judges are capable of doing successfully because they are all fucking stupid. They’re just dumb people. They are unconscionably dumb. They’re so dumb fucking stupid they think wearing a mumu makes people think they are smart.

“You think you’re God because you can send someone up the river for 20 years well you’re not, and if that’s the best you can do, I feel sorry for you” - BBF3

Lawyers are fucking stupid. Their entire lives are a waste. They’ll just evolve into judges - or Media Star Bobby Barnes - like the shittest pokemon that ever existed. Lawyers are people who either work for the rich to make them money or work for free for awhile to give off the impression that’s not what they do. 

But even then, for what? For whom does the law work? For whom do lawyers work? For whom do judges work? 

Harlan Crow! He purchased the legal system for so little money. It was so fucking cheap to buy the legal system. He’s still a billionaire after buying the legal system. How is that possible? Fuck me, sure it’s bad the system is corruptible and corrupted, but why is it so cheap?

Fuck it, raise the pay scale, how about that? Why don’t we all buy a Clarence Thomas? How about this, how about we decide to add 1000 Supreme Court judges and pay them 10 million a year. That’s slightly less than what a billionaire paid way fewer, but that’s nothing to him. That’s cheap shit. The legal system is fucking trash garbage that falls apart when you try to use it.

Don’t sit on a jury. If you’re listening to this, don’t. What jury should ever convict based upon evidence presented by liars who were purchased by Harlan Crow? Until that guy is in prison, no one should be. 

So free everyone. Indiscriminately. Then put Harlan Crow in jail. Then we can talk about whether or not anyone else needs to go to jail. Because until that happens, there is no legal system. There is only Harlan Crow’s Legal System. Fuck that guy.

But you can’t write that. You can’t write that because your words are weak. Your words are weak because you are owned by Harlan Crow, because you believe that it is our legal system, not his. You can’t swear to a judge. You don’t have the strength within you to tell a judge to her fucking face to shut the fuck up because she’s fucking stupid. You don’t have the strength to tell a judge that he’s an absolute fucking lunatic for believing he’s that powerful. These people are insane

And if that’s the case, if there is no law, then don’t be a cop. If you see someone stealing, steal with them, they’ll be safer that way. If you see someone burning down a police building, don’t say they’re wrong, there is no law! You are wrong for thinking there is. So don’t. 

“I don’t like the way other people are doing things. I know my way is the right way!” 

Go fuck yourself! If someone thinks something you disapprove of will help the cause, let them and shut the fuck up! Your words are weak. If someone wants to do, join them!

And when you’re brought before a judge, tell Harlan Crow’s fucksticks to shut the fuck up. 


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