What Are You?

If I do not support you, if I do not agree with you, if I do not vote for Biden, then I am responsible for Trump being elected, correct? And if I am responsible for Trump being elected, I am responsible for his actions, correct? If I am the one to be responsible for his actions if he is elected, what happens if I vote for Biden and he is elected? Am I responsible for the things Trump didn’t do? Or am I responsible for the things Biden did do? 

If you are arguing that for me to fight you tooth and nail, with absolutely no regard for whether I win or lose, because there’s no other option, is to take responsibility for Trump, then for you to fight me, makes you responsible for Biden. 

Here we are. Last election cycle I voted for Biden. Now I am responsible for the Palestinian genocide.

What the fuck do I care if what Trump does is worse? What the fuck is worse than being responsible for a genocide? Is your answer two genocides? Well guess what, I would’ve voted for Bush in 2000 if I was old enough, and my entire family did, so I’m responsible for two genocides! 

Add more to my plate, please!

Tell me what else is my fault if I don’t do what you want. Tell me what else is my fault? Tell me at what point did I do a god damn thing? I am at fault. 

But I am not at fault for the reasons you present. 

I am at fault because I let this shit happen. What did I do? What am I doing now? I’m writing. I’m a fucking writer. So I write. I will keep writing. What did you do? What are you? Do that, like this, loudly, without regard for what people who believe dumb things say.

I promise you, if you are unafraid, if you are unbending, if you are unwilling to be shaken from your convictions, they will break first. Because what they believe in doesn’t exist. I am not at fault for Iraq! I am not at fault for Palestine! 

I am not at fault for whatever Trump or Biden or any of them do!

I am responsible for my own actions. I am responsible for my own beliefs. If you think that I am a monster for not voting, I believe you are a monster that doesn’t take responsibility for your actions.

Are you responsible for genocide? Do you want to be responsible for genocide? Then why are you following people who are?


Your Words Are Weak


Built Then Burn Thee Silver Mt. Zion