Adults Are Coming!

How often have I heard “No adults are coming”? How often have I heard adults say about adults, no adults are coming? 

You’re a fucking adult! Come!

If not, then you are a child. That’s how words work. If not this, that, if not that, this. If you say “No adults are coming,” then you are a child!

Stop it! Adults are coming! You! Be one!

If they are children, then they must be treated like children. If you are a child then I will treat you like a child. Do not say words to me you don’t understand, child, do not call me a child. 

I am coming!

I am screaming at you. I am yelling you down. I am not arguing with children, I am telling you to go to your fucking room and think about what you’ve fucking done. If adults are to come, they must be you. If you’re an adult, then act like. 

An adult does not accept a child’s lies as truth. That’s stupid. An adult does not allow a child to get away with using the N word. An adult does not allow a child to get away with using a euphemism for the N word. What would you do if someone said the N word on TV? Why do you not do exactly the same when someone says DEI? 

If words mean the same thing, then they should be treated the same. That’s how words work! Hold people accountable to their words! I say this to you, would you be fine if someone punched someone in the face for saying the N word? Then you’re fine doing the same with DEI. If not, you’re a fucking racist or an idiot or both and you want to hide behind the slightest of ambiguities to absolve yourself. Well fuck you. There is no ambiguity.

If you say that DEI shit to my face, I will hit you. I will put a bar of soap in your fucking mouth. Do you understand that? Because you are a child. I will hit you with a belt! Because that is what is done to children where I’m from. Do you not like that? Do what I did. When I became an adult, I stopped letting them hit me. 

They didn’t stop because I got larger. They stopped because I got large enough to hurt them if they tried. My threat was equal to theirs. If they thought for a second I wouldn’t hit back, they would take advantage of me. That’s how power works. When I couldn’t hit back, they hit me. When I could, they couldn’t. 

Become an adult. Grow up. They want to hit children who can’t hit back. They want to talk to adults that can. 


Win or Lose


Your Words Are Weak