You Are Why

Stop talking about what you’re talking about! Why aren’t you talking about what I think is important! Stop talking about how my guy sucks butts, talk about how the other guy sucks butts! If you don’t stop talking about how they both suck, then the bad one will get in!

Why aren’t you talking about how Trump’s a rapist? Huh? Why aren’t you talking about the Epstein files? Huh? Why aren’t you talking about how bad Trump is? Huh? 

Because he was already the fucking president you idiots. Why aren’t I talking about how Trump is a rapist? Because in 2016 I heard him say that he grabbed adult women by their pussies and that it was ok because he was famous. THEN he became President. Not before I knew he was a rapist, after. 

So what is there to say? Did you not know he was a rapist? If that’s the case, what the fuck is wrong with you? Are you a journalist who didn’t put, “Trump, noted rapist and thief, is running for President?” Are you someone who didn’t constantly talk about how Trump was a rapist in 2016? Are you someone who listened to those motherfuckers say Locker Room Talk and then let him become President because, uh, the law

Because only bad people don’t accept the results of a free and fair election, you let Trump become President. Even though no election America has ever had was even close to free or fair. What the fuck are any of you talking about that you should accept the results of any election?

I reject the results of any election where women aren’t allowed to vote. I reject the results of any election where black people aren’t allowed to vote. I reject the results of any election where prisoners aren’t allowed to vote

Why aren’t I talking about how Trump is a monster? Because he was already the President! Because when I talked about how much of a monster he is, you trotted out Hillary Fucking Clinton to shit the bed. Now you want me to do it again while Biden shits the bed!

This is on you! When you complain about how everyone is not doing something, you are complaining about how what you are asking them to do did not work last time. I am complaining about your actions because they demonstrably suck! 

Have you tried organizing ten thousand unhoused people to break into every unoccupied rental in New York City and then squat? Have you tried simply taking shit!? Do you think it is wrong to simply take shit you want?

Then why the fuck did you celebrate the 4th of July you lunatics! 

What you are talking about is a waste of time. I know because we’ve already done it! If you didn’t know Trump was a rapist, you are the problem. If you didn’t already know that Trump should never be President, then you are the problem. 



Built Then Burn Thee Silver Mt. Zion


Go Kill Putin