Built Then Burn Thee Silver Mt. Zion

I am out to hurt your feelings! I am out here intending to cause you pain! I want you to feel personally attacked by what I am saying because I am also under attack

I am under attack by a deluge of voices telling me where we are in relation to 1930s Germany and then saying, “Uh oh”. UH OH!? Motherfuckers Uh Oh? What in God’s fucking name are we doing here? 

If we were an army

And if we believed that we were an army

And we believed that everyone was scared

None of what they can do is real if enough of us don’t do it. Doctors, do you believe abortion is banned? If all of you decide it’s not, will the cops put all of you in jail? Hell, drinkers, do you believe alcohol should be banned? If all of you decide it’s not, you can amend the Constitution

Laws are not real! Laws are things we all agree to do because some of us don’t agree to do them. Well now laws are things most of us don’t agree to do because some of us hate people! That is not sustainable! That’s not even close to functional! That is the basis for every violent revolution in history. 

But there is no need for violence if enough people do nothing

The fewer people there are, the more extreme action is necessary to affect the inertia of society. The larger, the less extreme. But the largest, is nothing. Don’t listen to the law until they decide to change it. The law is what we agree upon. 

The law is not what is enforced

What is enforced is the preference of weirdos! The argument about abortion is about how some people aren’t sure when God puts the soul into a baby! If you are worried about when God puts the soul anywhere, you don’t get to decide shit!

Like little lost children in their grown-up clothes and poses

So we ended up alone here

Floating through long wasted days

Or great tribulations

While everything felt wrong

We are not in a new situation. We are in the old situation. We are in the situation where black people are being hosed in the streets by cops. We are in the situation where black wall street is being bombed. We are in the situation where slave owners want to fight a war!

We know how this situation plays out! We will be back here, again! We must decide to do something extreme. We must all decide not to listen and to gather enough people where we don’t have to

I have no interest in pushing what I believe onto other people, that’s crazy. I am interested in people understanding what it is they are telling me. 

You are telling me that the next years will devolve into theocracy. What do you want me to do? 

You are telling me that the next years will devolve into a fight over water. What do you want me to do?

You are telling me that the next years will be brutal. And then you are telling me to do nothing! Or you are telling me nothing to do. 

Good words, strong words

Words that could’ve moved mountains!

Words that no one ever said

We were all waiting to hear those words

We are all waiting to hear those words! What are the words! What are the words that lead to what we should do? Are those words fight? Who? Each other? 

That guy over there, I don’t care who he is, is fine. That guy is fucking fine. Leave him alone. Why would I fight that guy? Because the people he voted for convinced him to believe bullshit!? Her, there, she’s fine! They’re fine! Why would you want to fight them? 

They work at a goddam Denny’s!

Why would you ever fight someone who works at a Denny’s because of what they believed about Palestine! There are people in power who need to be fought!

Brothers and sisters

Hope still waits in the wings

Like a bitter spinster

Impatient, lonely, and shivering

Waiting to build her glorious fires

It’s because of our plans, man

Our beautiful ridiculous plans

Let’s launch them like careening jetplanes

Let’s crash all our planes into the river

Let’s build strange and radiant machines

At this jericho waiting to fall.


What Are You?


You Are Why