Go Kill Putin

I don’t particularly care what your morality is based on. It doesn’t matter, really, what system you base your morality on. What matters is who’s in charge.

Who is running your belief system right now?

I don’t particularly care what makes you believe what you believe. I care if it’s consistent. I care if it makes sense.

You do not care about whether or not people get killed. You are not non-violent. You are not the person that you created in your head. You are not the person that actually believes it is always wrong to murder someone. You believe it’s fine under the right circumstances

You do not believe what Christ taught. I fucking know. You do not believe that bullshit.

You believe that as long as the responsibility is diffuse enough, it doesn’t fucking matter. If you want to hold up the political system of America and indulge the morality you spew, then you have to take direct responsibility for the actions of your government because you chose it. 

You are responsible for the millions murdered in Iraq. You are responsible for torture. You are responsible for horrors

Or you do not live in the system you say you do. Or you live in a system where decisions are made entirely without your input or consent. You live in a system that exerts its will without giving a fuck about you.

If your morality demands some pretense of caring about “others” in an abstract sense, then act like it. 

Go kill Putin.

In the absence of law, when the Supreme Court is “purely for the advantage of the far right”, then there is no law to follow. The law is purely for the advantage of the far right. All that is left now, is one’s personal sense of morality. 

As it stands, your arguments to me about voting for Biden are in conflict with my personal sense of morality. We do not agree on morality if that is the case.

I don’t care! 

My morals dictate that I can no longer participate in this system, I must set myself against it entirely, and I must not forget that the law itself is purely for the advantage of the far right. There is no law to follow. What do your morals say? Are you willing to be responsible for the horror of the system you participate in? If so, act like it!

If you are responsible for the actions of the system, then you are already a monster. So act like a monster! Act like what matters is safety over equality. Don’t act like I’m the asshole for refusing to participate. Don’t tell me that what I need to do is vote for Biden to save lives. That is ridiculous. You sound ridiculous!

Go kill Putin. You are already fine with murder. It is fine to string up Saddam, we all watched it. It is fine to drone strike weddings, we all watched it. It is fine to torture “terrorists”, we all watched it. It is fine to do these things, because by participating in this system, you are already doing them. 

Or it is not fine. Or it is not fine. And if it isn’t, then you can no longer participate in the system. Then you must say no. When you are told to do something that goes against your sense of morality, you cannot do it. Say no.

Convince other people to say No. You want safety? Be in a group of people that refuses to follow laws purely for the advantage of the far right. The law will not keep you safe. The law is against you. The law will not protect you! The cops will not protect you! The law is purely for the advantage of the far right!

Your morals must replace the law. Yours. Do you think that it’s fine to kill in order to save lives? Then go kill Putin. You’ll save more lives than you could count

Do you think it’s fine to murder one nation’s people to keep another’s “safe”? Who the fuck are you? Why should your nation survive? Why should any nation survive? Why should a nation with laws purely for the advantage of the far right survive? 

Or don’t.


You Are Why


Han Shan