We’re Being Dicks!

Do you find me offensive? Do you think I’m a bad writer for my style? Do you find my thoughts and opinions odious or evil

Who cares!

There are people who understand exactly what I am saying, are they offensive and bad and odious and evil? When you insist to them that what they understand is offensive and bad and odious and evil, then you are insulting them. Why? 

Didn’t they want to share something with you? A thought, an opinion, or a belief? Instead of sharing, you insulted them! Why wouldn’t conflict begin? 

Rather than learn something from what was shared with you, you reject a person who is your equal! 

You are the person who started it, dumdum. 

Who cares whether or not you find something disgusting, go away! Leave them alone! And if that person knows that you find it disgusting, go away! Who fucking cares? You barely care enough to get mad at me for yelling at you!

You’re not mad at me for pointing out truths, you are mad at me because I am not being nice. Not being nice is fucking fine


Do you hate that? Does that infuriate you? When you tell someone that the thing they shared with you is disgusting and bad, you are saying the above, quietly. That’s the difference. Not good or evil, we are both evil. We are both bad. We are both the fucking problem.

I’m sorry. I really am. I’ve fucked up for years trying to be a good person, trying to believe that by being more open and accepting to others I was a better person than my family. 

I was an asshole!

I was the asshole! Who cares if they believe in something when what they do is awesome?! Why would I think myself to be better? 

That’s dumb! I’m an idiot! 

I’m sorry. And I mean that. To be sorry is to do. I apologize meaning I recognize where I fucked up, I am behaving in a manner that I believe to be reparative, and I am not going to be an asshole again. 

Even if I feel like they’re being an asshole to me

I’m over it, bruh! They’re doing great! I was an asshole! 



Be Like Fred


You Must Believe