Be Like Fred

The FBI murdered Fred Hampton on December 4th, 1969.


Did they murder him to cover up some vast conspiracy that he discovered? Did they murder him because he was on to them? Did they murder him because the government is made up of pedophile monsters? 


They murdered him because he brought people together! He didn’t bring people together in teams, he brought people together by insisting that there were no teams, there was the oppressed and the oppressor.

He didn’t bring people together with insults or threats, he brought people together by reminding them that regardless of their race, creed, you know the rest of that bullshit, we were all being oppressed

Who cares if that guy over there believes some nutso stuff? We’re all being oppressed! Instead of accepting him, you call him a piece of shit! Why wouldn’t he go somewhere where people don’t call him a piece of shit! 

Why did they kill Fred Hampton? Because he separated people. What do you think Fred Hampton taught? That everyone has to believe the same thing? No! 

If you wanted a cry-in to assuage your white guilt, that’ll happen at the end, too. First we talk about oppression. If you want to complain about this being a class struggle and not your _____ struggle, we can do that, but first we talk about oppression. 

I know you want this! I will give it to you at the end of the show! First we talk about oppression.

Why did they kill Fred Hampton? Because he was just saying what everyone already knew. There is the oppressed and the oppressor. He was saying that we don’t have to be friends, we don’t have to hang out, we can go to our respective rooms, but first we talk about oppression! 

They didn’t murder him because there was a conspiracy, and there wasn’t a conspiracy to murder him, the oppressor thought he was a threat to business.


We’re Being Dicks!