The Tower of Babel

I’m sorry, I’m not several thousand years old, nor am I a phd in history, nor did I ever earn a degree from any higher institution of learning, nor did I go to seminary, I’m just some guy. 

So, please, let me explain an incredibly difficult concept through a several thousand year old parable that only a few people have ever understood, and until today, I’m sure you didn’t. 

The Tower of Babel!

It is very smart for people to take that historically and literally! Very smart people believe that at the time that was written, it was meant seriously. It does not occur to them that they are experiencing what the parable is describing in real time. What do very smart people do wrong? 

They assume they understand the meaning of language! What language means. They assume they understand what people are saying to them because they are using the same sounds. You assume you know what someone is saying to you. You assume that because we have a shared “language”! Ha ha! We can buy things from each other!

But our language is not the same! Do you hear me screaming at you? What do you believe I am saying to you? Do you think that someone else is reading this and hearing something different? Do you believe your interpretation is correct? Why? Because you believe you understand the meaning of these words?

The Tower of Babel is not history, nor is it lament, it is advice!

Let me ask you, do you have a friend or someone that can make sounds at you that correspond to meanings that if they were to make those very same sounds to someone else, they would rightfully correspond to a completely different meaning. 

Are these the same language?

I am writing this to you because in writing, I am in control of my meaning. If I am speaking to you out loud, what if I’m too loud? What if I’m too soft? What if I’m not emoting? What if I’m not communicating properly?

You’ll misunderstand me! You’ll call me a piece of shit! You’ll think that I am a threat to you! I don’t know you! I have no interest in threatening you in any way! I would bet a million billion dollars that you aren’t at all threatening to me in any way!

I am using a common language. I am using a language that everyone understands. I am not using the language of smart people. I am not using the language of good people. 

I am using loud noises because this is an alarm! You understand loud noises. You don’t necessarily understand the exact meaning of these sentences, of these words, but when you read this essay you get that shit is fucked up

That is a common language! Not English, you fuckwads.

The Tower of Babel is not comparable to history, the Tower of Babel is comparable to Right Speech Leads To Right Action. The Tower of Babel is a lesson that when the people return to a common language, their own book says it makes God afraid! 

Do you understand how fucking stupid people are to believe in their God without noticing that in their own telling if we all work together GOD IS AFRAID OF WHAT WE CAN ACCOMPLISH.

Speak a common language! You think your language is smart because you know sounds that correspond to meanings that are different from other sounds that correspond to different meanings. Language is not real. 

Communication is real. Community! A common language that everyone can understand. Why the fuck would I trust you if I don’t understand why you named it Covid-19! 

I thought it happened in 2020! 

Do you understand what I’m saying?


Quit Striking!

