Quit Striking!

Men are the crisis. Men are the crisis! MEN ARE THE CRISIS! 

Men are in crisis. Men, men, men, men. The problem is dudes. The problem is power. The problem is inequality. The problem is how fucking quiet you have to be if you are a woman. 

There is no trickle of stories about powerful men abusing their power, there are nothing but stories about powerful men abusing their power - even the smallest amount of power. 

I’ve heard literally for my entire life that women aren’t paid the same amount as men. How is it possible to build Notre Dame in 200 years but in a billion years and ongoing never pay women equally?!

You are no doubt replying with varied, reasonable excuses for why this hasn’t been done. You are writing thousands upon thousands of words with extremely intricate arguments for why this hasn’t been done in thousands of years. You are writing all of these arguments that I have read over and over and over and over again! If you are making the same argument as dead people, you are wrong! They’re dead!

Their argument was bad because they lost! Hold people accountable for losing! I’m a big fucking loser! I lose all the time! I lose at everything. I’m a fucking loser!

I was fired from CouponCabin because I asked for a raise for myself and my female coworker, so we could be paid the same amount, and then I was fired! That’s illegal! Who fucking cares, says the law you tell me is real!

I was fired and nothing happened, neither of us got a raise and I almost certainly put a target on her back. I was an idiot. I lost! I am a loser!

I am not going to do that exact same thing again! Did you strike ten years ago? Then why are you striking now? If you’re striking now, you lost last time and you are going to lose this time! We have heard this line before! You have heard this line before! If you don’t personally change, then we will be right back here again!

Quit! End the business until it’s gone! Then take over the factory again. What are they going to do, remove all of the equipment and melt it down? It’s just going to be abandoned for awhile, the people who own it will be gone, but people will still need cars! There, you now own a factory, together

Are they going to send the National Guard to kick you out? Then Quit and go home! 


You don’t have to do anything. Just go home until they go away. 


Illegal Time


The Tower of Babel