
There is only here! There is no multiverse of choices that you could have made. There is no other universe where you exist! You are made of atoms, of nothing.

Is your ego so big you think you make the universe wobble?

Every atom you are is as old as every other atom everyone is, is as old as the universe. Every single thing that has ever happened or will ever happened, happened from the start. Every action that has been taken was a reaction caused by an explosion. One big explosion sent every atom in every direction and then this happened. You.

If you want a multiverse, then every atom from the very beginning must have exploded differently. If there is a multiverse, you aren’t in it

You are here. Act like it! 

The “choices” you have made are just the aftershocks of one big explosion. Don’t worry about it! There is nothing you can do! Maybe the explosion wasn’t even real! It does not matter. There’s nothing you can do about it

Or there is! But there’s nothing you can do about that! Relax!

Since there’s nothing you can do about whether or not you are the result of or experience of a massive explosion that happened billions of years ago, or if you are the result of God creating a billions of years old universe around 6000 years ago, you might as well act like there’s something you can do about something you can do something about! 

Why be paralyzed by the possibilities of action? You are not in the cereal aisle! The cereal aisle is just the result of an explosion that happened billions of years ago, don’t worry about what goddam cereal you eat, you’ll be fine! Eat something you like! 

Does a doctor say you’re going to die? Fine! You’re going to die. Not because of any of that shit. All of that shit is noise. You are going to die billions of years ago an explosion happened.

But, it looks like you can control your diet, so control it! However you like, don’t be told what is good and bad, decide what is good and bad for yourself. The doctor doesn’t know you and can’t look inside you, even when they use xrays, they cannot take a picture of each individual atom you are.

Literally, that’s physics. 

They can’t see inside you, but they’ve seen a lot of people come and go and patterns have revealed themselves. They are not smart because they have pattern recognition. Doctors are not in any way smarter or better at making decisions than you. 

But you already think it’s smart to listen to people who have experienced enough shit to see patterns. You spend all day listening to people who have experienced enough shit to see patterns. That’s all I’m doing right now!

Why do people reject doctor’s advice? They don’t! They don’t reject a doctor’s advice. They reject a doctor telling them how to live their own life! Fuck you! 

No seriously, fuck you!

I get it, why don’t you? Do you want to save people’s lives? Do you want to help people live healthier? Treat them as an equal, capable of making smart decisions on their own without your dumb fucking input. 

If I can live to 70 without your advice, but 80 with your advice, I’d prefer to live without your advice. If you don’t understand that, that is why you can’t communicate with your patients or people who don’t understand vaccines.


The Tower of Babel


Get Out Of The Way