Relax, say “Top Democrats”

This is what I was hoping to hear. Ezra Klein says that Top Democrats say something like, “I don’t know why all these Democrats who think Donald Trump is an existential threat to democracy are acting the way they are. But the reason I’m acting the way I am is because I don’t think that.” 

Phew! All of you are fucking stupid. Do you get it? You think Democracy is On the Ballot, but it is actually not on the ballot. So relax. “Top Democrats” think something one way or the other according to some guy. Whatever you were thinking is stupid. Now what you should be thinking is that everything is actually fine.

This is just a social media game everyone is playing with you. Democracy isn’t on the ballot! Democracy never was. There is no such thing in America. 

Stop fighting with people! Stop fighting with people who think that Democracy is on the Ballot. Why? They’re lying to you!

A lot of people are saying it, though. A lot of people I’m supposed to listen to are saying that because Democracy is on the Ballot, I will be a bad person for saying Go Fuck Yourself! A lot of people on TV. A lot of people on social media. People you know. People in your family. Damn near everyone.

Except for “Top Democrats”! Who knows who they are! Who cares what “Top” Fucking “Democrats” are saying what? There’s nothing you can do either way. You’re still fighting people who say Democracy is on the Ballot.

How many people are lying to me now? How many news outlets were so confident that they were telling the truth only to discover, well, they were lying? All of you were lying. Or they were. And now you both are!

What happens if you lie to me? You can go fuck yourself! Go fuck yourself right the fuck off! 

Maybe you can come back later, maybe if you apologize for lying to me. But since you won’t do that, I guess just watch “Top Democrats” not give a fuck about you! Then, as they lie to your face, look me in the eyes and say I’m a bad person. Tell me that because I am not listening to you, because I see you gulping an old man’s diarrhea like it’s gatorade, that I am a bad person. 

I am 100% ok with not giving a shit. I don’t feel like I’ve made that part clear. I can not care in a heartbeat. It’s not hard. 

You just have to calm the fuck down. Don’t tell me Democracy is on the line if your party has “Top Democrats”. If you say everything is happening exactly as usual, then I can relax. 

Why can’t you say that everything is normal? Does everything feel not good? Does everything feel fucked up? This is normal! Top Democrats say shit is fine!

So leave me out of this! I don’t want to vote for either of them and neither party cares! How many years have you said “the parties are not the same” while you jerked yourself off? How awesome did it feel to think you were morally righteous? 

Well, guess what, you were a fucking rube! “Top Democrats” don’t think a Trump presidency will be that bad. You voted for “Top Democrats” so you go fuck yourself. Relax. The people you put in charge don’t actually think it’s that bad. 

All they’re doing is lying to you. 


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