Dream Big, Why Not?

You have no imagination and you have less courage. Ah ha, you say, we get it, finally, let’s replace Biden, we’ve heard you!

Here’s what we’ll do, we’ll give Biden… but 20 years younger, or a woman, or something else, but at the end of the day, our idea is DO THE SAME FUCKING THING AGAIN! We are very smart. What are our ideas? I know, do the same fucking thing again. What’s our platform? Do the same fucking thing again, led by Biden who is 20 years younger or a woman or something else. 

Why are you accepting that? Why, if now is the time to dream big, if now is the crisis point where we can influence the direction of the party, why would you dream of shit? Why not say the next President should be someone willing to say Go Fuck Yourself to an oil executive. What’s in Project 2025 is terrifying… because some of it is in everyone’s 2025 plan. 

Do you think that push for deregulation is going to be stifled by people who could already do so? Why aren’t you dreaming of something impossible if you already think winning is impossible? 

If you think getting a toy horse is impossible, you might as well dream of a real one. 

Letting them get away with it is no longer acceptable. A rebrand is unacceptable. You can’t shake off the past by changing your face. Accountability must come for the terrible ideas of the Democratic Party, not just the terrible idiots who carried out the will of billionaires. 

Everything they’ve done is dumb

It’s dumb because you can’t solve a generational problem like climate change by not even trying to solve it. It’s dumb because if you are just trying to maintain the status quo, Earth is going to burn. It’s dumb because even if you are just trying to cut emissions down by a bit, Earth is going to burn. It’s dumb because you can’t solve a problem by not solving it.

If the frog always jumps exactly half the distance to the line…

If you are not attempting to solve the problem of climate change, Earth will burn. If you dream of replacing someone in the government, dream big. Dream of someone who won’t let the Earth burn. If it’s impossible for someone to even try, why not dream of someone who can do. Anything impossible is equally impossible.

The truth is there shouldn’t be a President. We shouldn’t have a Supreme Court. Congress as it is constructed is dumb

The Electoral College

This is all dumb. It’s dumb like Daylight Savings Time is dumb. All we really have to do is change it. If everyone claps their hands, Daylight Savings Tinkerbell will go away. It’s nuts. It’s genuinely nuts. 

How can you have a disagreement on “we count time bad”? 

If that’s actually true, then what else is tinkerbell? What else is just a matter of everyone clapping their fucking hands and no one doing it? What else requires nothing more than a large enough group of people deciding to tell them to go fuck themselves

If you’re going to dream of something you think is impossible, like influencing the Democratic party enough to get them to address Cop City instead of destroying a forest, then you might as well dream of something useful, like rewriting the entire God. Damn. Constitution.


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Relax, say “Top Democrats”