Be A Religion

If a religion is against you, be a religion. A religion is just a group large enough to impose reality on its members. If your religion is just reality, you don’t have to impose on anyone. 

People from the past were dumb. The philosophers were dumb. When you talk about Aristotle you are talking about Joe Rogan. Stop it. 

At the center of this galaxy is a hole in the universe the size of stuff you can’t compare it to. Act like it! What the fuck is that? How are we all ok with just knowing that the universe can have holes?

And how can you believe in any God who didn’t let you know!? Or do you believe in a God that didn’t know there were black holes? Why would you believe in a God that had no idea about black holes? Why would you believe in anything that doesn’t include the fact, that the universe, has holes

I genuinely don’t understand what that means!

There are no atheists, there are people who believe that God has to know about black holes and any God that doesn’t know about black holes isn’t real! A God that created holes in the Universe does not care about what hat you wear! You don’t have to dress up for anyone if there are literal holes in the fabric of the universe the size of numbers too big for you to pay attention to. 

Does anyone know what that means?

No wonder your God doesn’t know what it means, because your God isn’t real. I don’t know if there is a God, but I know with 100% certainty that God understands why there are holes in the universe that big. Or it’s not God

So why are you following any philosopher that doesn’t understand why there are holes in the universe? There are holes in the universe! SUPER BIG HOLES! Who fucking cares about what Aristotle thought if what he thought didn’t include that! 

What does it mean if you can know there are literal holes in the universe? If you can know it, God must know it. God must have created holes in the universe. The universe literally revolves around holes in the universe. They spin everything. Nothing makes everything spin.

Figure that shit out Einstein!

You can’t figure it out, maybe someday someone will figure it out, maybe it’s unfigureoutable,  but no matter what, none of us are ever going to know why there are holes in the universe.

So relax. Why are you wearing a hat? Why are you mad at someone for fucking? Why are you trying to tell anyone how to live their life? Why do you want that? If you get close to a literal hole in the universe something so stupid happens the most boring scientists in the world named it spaghettification. 

That sounds made up by children! That’s how crazy it is to be worried about wearing a hat, or a dress, or a mumu, or anything. There are holes that turn you to spaghetti, says smart people. 

Why would you give a shit about Plato if he didn’t know there are holes that turn you into spaghetti? 

Whatever your religion is, it must be crazy enough to include the real fact that this universe has giant holes that turn you into spaghetti.


Relax, say “Top Democrats”


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