Illegal Time

Stop thinking about what’s legal and what’s illegal and start thinking about how the law works! What would happen if you or the government did something illegal, but you had a lot of money? Sure, it’s illegal, sure, it’s wrong or whatever, but, you can tie them up in court

What’s illegal and what’s legal? What matters is time! What Alex Jones has done is not just stolen money, dignity, safety, and made them question their sense of reality and question the honor of their murdered children, he’s not done just that. He’s stolen time. He’s done 50 illegal things. A 100 illegal things

A 1000 illegal things! A million illegal things, who cares!

But every time he does an illegal thing, he steals 3 months of your life! He should be held accountable for that

The law is designed for this purpose. The law organized as it is, is in and of itself theft. It is theft of time. How much money has Alex made and stolen from the families in the time he stole? How much time have we spent collectively dealing with his shit! That’s not how this has to fucking go! 

It’s going this way because the system is not set up to deal with this! The system is set up to help rich people hide money while they are being held “accountable”. It’s time. It’s time to hide money and shit from people while they are being held “accountable”. 

How long does it take to reach a settlement with Boeing? Why? Everyone saw the problem together! You and I are not insane for thinking when we saw that, the very next image should have been those Boeing executives in chains - like you and I would be if we murdered people!

You and I are not insane for thinking that doesn’t make sense. When people tell you why all of this is happening and give you extremely reasonable thought out responses for the challenges that you might face in attempting to enact the reforms you are interested in, they are engaging in the same thing!

Change in our world comes fast. Change has to come fast because people hate change so much they make up any excuse to normalize the status quo. You are not arguing with reasonable, well thought out responses, you are arguing with a fear of change that is totally reasonable! But when change happens fast, those same people argue in your favor because now we are in a new Status Quo.

Change is terrifying because change can be fucked up! Change can fail! But the current system can fail too! A different legal system might fuck up shit even worse than what we’ve done with Alex. 

But I very much doubt that!


Two Inches


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