Next Year

Everything you are saying is wrong! Act like it! For fuck’s sakes! Are you shitting me? Are we seriously doing this? 

Newspeople at 7pm - America, oh my god, oh what a dark day for america, oh god, I can’t believe such horrible political violence, oh no, oh what awful stuff!

Newspeople at 8pm - If Ruler A becomes Ruler People B all die! 

Newspeople at 8pm (other channels) - if Ruler B becomes Ruler People A all die!

Newspeople the next day - I can’t believe political violence is happening from the underclass. As we all know, elections are about something far more important than the mere transition of power, elections are a statement of this nation’s intent to be for the people.

Me (always) - Fuck you, fuck all you, fuck every fucking fuck that every fucking talked about political violence in fucking America. You bought fireworks because fireworks are a symbol of political violence from the Beginning! You made an explosion because that explosion is a symbol of British people dying! You love political violence.

When I go to a baseball game and even though I am fairly certain we are not at war, the entire twenty thousand people stand up and clap for people whose job it is to murder! You love violence! You fucking love that shit! 

Stop pretending to be different! Be honest with yourself about how you feel about how things are going. Shitty! You feel like shit! That’s fine! Literally everyone feels like shit right now, everyone on this dumb planet feels like everyone else on this dumb planet has lost their minds. You haven’t lost shit! No one ever had any minds to begin with.

Relax, Democracy is not on the ballot, not even a little bit. You’re going to be fine. Is shit going to be worse if Ruler A or Ruler B is on the throne? Sure! But Rulers A through Z are all shitty to varying degrees. People are going to die, sure, but people are always going to die. Even if you’re the best at life, you’re going to die eventually. Relax! 

The people in charge are all the same because they are all insane. Whatever they do is not something you can affect. What you can do is relax! Have a barbecue. Get together with friends. Build a community. 

Then build massive stone walls around the community. Add turrets to the corners, you’re definitely going to want murder holes around the entryways. Probably smart to have a moat, too. You’re only going to want to stockpile long guns, you’re looking for outer defenses, any smaller weapons are for fighting close up, and listen, if you’re fighting close up, you’ve already lost so don’t worry about it. 

Keep your eyes up, be aware of what’s happening and of what direction they’re coming from. If you and your friends stick together, and leave everyone else alone, what are they going to do, take you away? Are the cops going to break into your house? 

But but but that’s illegal! If the cops commit wanton acts of lawless violence, and you want the cops, who hates political violence? If you think it’s wrong for people to squat in empty homes because they’re being mean to those nice, sweet landowners, who hates political violence? If you think it’s wrong to steal food from the grocery store, who hates political violence? 

Do you want non-violence? Then act like it! Fight back non-violently. Take their shit! Fuck em! You don’t have a place to live? Everyone’s lost their minds and someone shot the president, it’s musical chairs now, find an empty house and hunker down. Are you hungry? Everyone’s lost their minds and someone shot the president, anything can happen, Go Eat! The grocery store has food and the secret service is so useless you can almost assassinate the president from less than a mile away. 

Anyone protecting anything is bad at it. Are you afraid of the law? The Supreme Court is purely for the advantage of the far right, You Should Be! But you still have to enforce that law and in order to enforce the law you have to have people who agree to enforce it and to have it be enforced. And if you and enough people stand in one big group, no one agrees to enforce or be enforced, then you will find out the law is nothing. 

No one is coming for you. No one is going to violence you. You’re fine. You didn’t do shit. You are not currently running for president and no one is mad at you. You’re fine! Everyone is just fucking panicking right now and no one is reassuring you that everything will actually keep going next year, even if you what you want to happen doesn’t

This is, I hate to say it, not the end of the world.

They’re not going to implement project 2025, the collective brain power of the far right isn’t capable of reading project 2025 and the people who wrote it are a bunch of cosplaying Imperial stormtroopers, these people are losers. 

Do you want the next president to be Biden so he can choose the next Supreme Court Justice? Convince him to add 10 Supreme Court Justices now. Because he can. And if he does that, convince them to fast track cases that were just decided against his favor. Because he can. And if he does that, convince the people that this was a good idea! 

Or can he not do that? Why do you want him to do shit next year?


We’re Tight

