We’re Tight

Ugh, I hate how he keeps telling us to do shit, like he’s so fucking great, like he’s so fukcing smort, like he’s the most morally righteous dude ever. 

First off, let me take you through the past few elections and the past few times we’ve had this argument. I understand that my language and strident, frankly insulting tone is strident and, frankly insulting, but when you make the lesser of two evils argument, remember what your words mean.

Your words mean that if I do not do what you think is not evil, then I am evil. You are calling me evil, it does not feel like conversation when you make the lesser of two evils argument at me, it feels like extortion. It feels like that for a ton of people, a ton of people you are most likely making the lesser of two evils argument to right now. You are not helping. You are insulting these people!

Why do you think it’s ok to call me evil? Did you forget that to disagree with you, is to disagree with you morally, perhaps not practically, but everyone knows, somewhere, that there is something more important than practicality.

I’m not insulting you because I want to hurt you, I am insulting you because I am talking to you the way it feels like you have been talking to me. Do you understand why these arguments are so useless now? What conversation are we having? Are we having a practical conversation now? That sounds useful!

Jordan, what the fuck are you doing?

Here’s what I believe: I believe that we need to build small, tight-knit communities that can resist just by being stubborn. Are you a wonk? You are in a safe space! Are you a wonk? You can disagree and yell and scream at each other, but tomorrow, if you asked any wonk for anything, they would move heaven and earth to try and get it for you. There’s a community to be built! Be together!

Ask them to meet up! Become friends! You are in a safe space. No one wants to hurt you. Here.

Out there is nuts.


No One Hired You


Next Year