
What is success?

By what measure is this statement true? 

While I respect that in many ways, this is an accurate statement, this is not at all a true statement.

Mark Bankston successfully did law stuff. But at no point in time did anything remotely similar to success for the innocent people he represented occur, so I don’t know how he could be so proud of it happening! 

If I was, in fact, Maxwell Yearick, I would look at the “successful” prosecution of Alex Jones and run the fuck away. What is a success if not years upon years of the same treatment, followed by crushing hope, followed by even more crushing revelations. Followed by unending bickering over money that doesn’t help nor come! Success! Followed by other people getting fucking rich

But if Bankston is offering to give Maxwell Yearick the same decade of treatment that the Sandy Hook families have received, then I’ve got a better deal: change your name, change your face, leave the internet, open a bar. 

Go open a bar, maybe lean into your internet fame. Call the bar The Assassin and have a cocktail named “I’m not the guy who shot Trump”. 

People will want to take pictures with you!

It doesn’t matter, Bankston At Law is not going to make your life better. Maybe you’ll win the court case! That would be fun. I’ve been there. People cheer, people hug, everything feels good. But then the next day reveals that actually nothing happened at all

Mark’s a good guy, but a courtroom is not where success happens. A courtroom is where people go when “success” is no longer possible, people are in the courtroom because “success” is powerful people getting what they want. Even if it’s against the law. 

What’s the pitch? I don’t see the pitch anymore. Mark comes to me and says, “This person has defamed you, we must seek remuneration in court! Now, hurry up and lose the next several years of your life worrying about how things are going to go!” 

How about this, defraud Roger Stone and then fly to the Bahamas and then if Roger wants, he can hire Mark Bankston to sue you to get the money back. During this time, Mark and Roger can tell everyone about how wrong it is for you to take money and how you will be held accountable, about how justice will be done! 

You, Max, my buddy, you can chill. Listen, you’re in the bahamas. You’re on a beach. Roger can’t touch you. The government can’t touch you. There’s no one fucking with you. There’s nowhere to go. The people in the United States are crazy. Enjoy life! Don’t worry about whether or not Roger fucking Stone is going to be held accountable for his actions - he won’t! Relax!

If he was going to be held accountable, it would already have happened from all the crimes he’s done. So fuck it! You are helpless in the face of that specific problem. Leave! Go find a problem you can solve. If you are unable to solve a problem, get a different problem! 

When you toss the bottle top into the garbage can, you will pump your fist in the air, because you will have succeeded.


Next Year


I Am Not Touching You