Just Some Guy

Do you think what you’re doing is good? Then I trust you. Do you think what you’re doing is going to help lead people to a better place than the one we are currently in? Then I trust you! 

Do you think you’re smart? Do you think other people are stupid? Do you think you should be listened to because you know more than others? Do you think you should be listened to because you are a better person than someone else? Then I don’t trust you! 

Are you talking to me about motives being more important than actions? Are you telling me that I’m supposed to be interested in what people intend, but not what they do? I am telling you the same! 

Except when I ask you to care about motive, I ask you to ignore actions. If I ask you to care about actions, ignore motive. Care about what we are talking about, not what we aren’t. 

If you intend to tell the truth, but because you are hamstrung in some way or another, you attempt to outsmart your hamstringer by telling close to the truth, then you are a liar! I don’t trust you! You think you’re so goddamn smart that when someone says, “lie”, you can lie… truthfully. You intend to lie to me!

That person at January 6th, screaming for the blood of pedophiles… I trust their intentions! I don’t want to be in between them and a Capitol building, but they are trustworthy because they are not lying. 

You say ACAB. What you mean is that you understand the concept of policing to be something that inherently leads to an abuse of power, if you’d like to achieve both “safety” and “not getting murdered in the streets by the people you rely on for ‘safety’” then you need to get rid of COPS. But you’re lying! You intend something like that, but what you really want is to make the current system work, despite all available evidence letting you know that it doesn’t

You are lying to me!

All Jobs Are Bad!

What are those people wearing those uniforms? Are they monsters? Do they have families? Do they do all kinds of regular ass shit like go to the grocery store? They’re people! They know they’re people, you know they’re people, but when they put the uniform on, they are pigs and you are shit. Those people are fine. Once they take off their uniform. Their boss is trash. Until they take off their uniform. The chief is a fucking horror. Until they take off their uniform. 

Then they’re just some fucking person like you!

A doctor is an idiot! A doctor is not far enough away from a wizard in the 1500s. What do you have to say to me? You know for sure that it’s one of three things and there’s no way of knowing which it actually is until you try different things and see? Fuck it, give me some newt! Why wouldn’t I go to an alternative medicine guy, you’re a fucking wizard dumdum! You think you’re not a wizard, because you put on that coat and you think you’re smart! You put your diploma on the wall and forget that you’re still an idiot! You’ve just got a nicer jacket! Who are you? 

Whatever your answer, if it has something to do with a job or a role then you have forgotten who you are. I’m a writer, I’m a clown, I’m bipolar, but what I am, is just some fucking guy! Like you! And the secret is that goes all the way up to the top. You know who else is just some fucking guy? The President of the dumb United States. All of us are just some fucking guy. 

Biden does not deserve your respect. You don’t know that asshole and whatever you do know probably includes/denies that he commits genocide on the regs. Your boss is no one. You are no one. Relax. No one can tell you what to do because there is no one to tell you what to do. 

There is no gravitas. There is no prestige. You will never enjoy anything so much as you will enjoy being just some guy. If you are not just some guy, then you have to have a reason for not being just some guy like the rest of us. And if you think you’re not just some guy, then tell me your reason. You think you’re special? One of a kind? 

Motherfuckers I know. I know I’m special. I know I’m not one of a kind, because when I was born there was another baby born with my same first and middle name because our families were in a cult. It was a prophecy. I literally have a prophecy to my name. And you know what? I’m just some fucking guy! It doesn’t mean anything. I’m not anything more because of what is demonstrably one of the most weird things that can happen to anyone

That car mechanic is a better wizard than that doctor because the car mechanic can fix shit! I don’t care if the car mechanic does not know as many names. That car mechanic and that doctor are both wizards are both just some guy. I’m born. You’re born. It doesn’t matter to whom, to where, to what ends! 

Life is you’re a baby, you’re some guy, then you’re dirt. For everyone. Act like it! Act like you and every other just some guy can say “Hi” to each other and instantly get that everyone is equals. 

Or you could wear a hat that says you talk to God! That way everyone knows for sure that you are not just some guy. You are an important person! You could wear a coat that says you’re smart! You are not just some guy. You’re smart! 

If you want these things, then you will have to justify them. And once you start trying to justify why you are better than other people, you will eventually discover you aren’t. So what do you do? You decide if you’re not better, everyone else is worse. You decide that if you wear a uniform, sure, you don’t feel any smarter, or stronger, or whatever, but people say you’re different. You think everyone seems pretty ok, but you’re told over and over again by people with power and their legions that you have to do what you’re told

Because that guy wears a hat! You are more than anyone in a hat. You are just some guy.


This Is Not Your Land


I am a Clown