This Is Not Your Land

This is not our land. This is not our home. America does not exist. America is blood and fire and genocide. America is murdering swaths of people across thousands of miles to take their shit. That is what America was built on. It was not built on freedom. It was built on slavery. It wasn’t built to free its people from the shackles of monarchy, it was built to enslave people with the shackles of oligarchy. 

You are mistaking not being beaten for being free. But you are still being beaten! You are still afraid of being fired for what? You are still afraid of losing your health insurance! You are still afraid! You are not free!

You did not come here because you wanted to! You didn’t escape from anything! You were born into slavery and you will die in slavery if you do not change. 

You do not need to save America. America doesn’t need saving. America needs the complete opposite. America needs to be free. The land needs to be free. America needs to let go. Why do you care about Illinois? Do you know why it’s named Illinois? Because I live on mutilated corpses!

What am I trying to save when I say we need to save America? What do I want from land brimming with blood? Why do I want power over land? 

I love a good land acknowledgement, I love ‘em! Imagine! Breaking into someone’s home, locking them and their family in a closet in the basement and then before every meal - that you don’t share - you shout, “Thanks for the house!” 


Do you want to acknowledge this land? Then give it back! This is not your home! You do not have a home, you were born on blood, your house is seeping, ghosts haunt your dreams! The ghosts of the trail of tears haunt us all, because we are still doing it! 

Do we acknowledge land when we allow white-ass cops to fuck with reservations for no reason other than they can? Do we acknowledge land when we allow women to “go missing” forever? We don’t acknowledge shit

You know who owns Chicago? The fuckin’ Iroquois or whatever. It is not my land. 

Or do you know who owns Chicago? The monsters that stole it! What do I have to say about conquered lands on the globe? Do I believe China shouldn’t exist? Do I believe Egypt shouldn’t exist? Do I believe Australia shouldn’t exist? 


But they took what they wanted with fucking guns that shoot murder. Then they built this dumb country on top of their victims, using slaves.

Is that your home

America doesn’t exist! The place you live is not named by people who were awesome. It was named by pieces of shit. Give it back! 

How about this, none of us own anything, it’s all indigenous peoples’ now, and if they so decide, we can lease it. Or they can deport us! They can put together their own CBP and legally remove us from our homes and send us to wherever they want without anyone’s consent. Why not? 

You are doing it right now! 

Right? I am supposed to believe that my participation in the system is incredibly important, is crucial to its continued survival, and I am also supposed to believe that I am not personally responsible for what happens because it survives? If I am responsible for this system, then I say we give it back. I say we give it all back. 

Who are you to let the CBP exist? Who are you to say that you belong here? That this is your home? You do not own shit! Give it back! 

The railroad is covered in blood! Your clothes are covered in blood! Your hands are covered in blood!

Or they aren’t. Or you live in a system that you have no control over or responsibility for. And if you live in a system that you have no control of, or responsibility for, make your own. There is no federal government to a large enough group of people, leaving everyone else alone, who decide to make their own rules. There is no state government to a large enough group of people, who simply do not engage with everyone else, and make their own rules. There is no county, there is no government except the one you make with the people you are with. 

Why would the cops show up to a place with a system that doesn’t already have them? ACAB from the beginning. The system as it exists is irrevocably broken. You cannot fix it. What we are doing is half-assedly patching a sinking ship! 

That is not a solution to the coming challenges

Counties are not a solution. States are not a solution. Nations are not a solution! Make your government small. Don’t try to make a large government small. Make a small government. Make a small community. Be humble

And remember, America is not your land


The Hoard Is The Threat


Just Some Guy