Han Shan

I realize that this will be a difficult concept to understand, it is foreign, but I am intractable. I am uninterested in whatever you have found in these that you don’t like. It is what it is. We are at an impasse. 

You may call me names, you may find me disgusting, you may find my nature annoying or brash or hypocritical; whatever you may desire I give to you as your personal genie. But I will not change my mind. I will not alter my course. I will not take steps I don’t want to take. 

You may blame me! Blame me!  I accept! I am at fault for Biden’s loss! And I raise you, we are at fault for Biden’s loss! How about that? Whatever blame you may cast upon me, you owe yourself as well! Except when I take that blame, I will take it knowing I tried it your way first, you failed, and I gave you the option to change. I accept full responsibility for my actions. 

I apologize for going along with you in the first place. I should never have accepted your arguments. I knew they were faulty, I knew they leaked, but I went along with the bullying voices of “We Know What’s Best”. 

Do you not remember the vitriol spewed at people who disagreed with, “Do what we say or the America gets it!”? I remember it from yesterday! 

I apologize for not calling your bluff. This time,... do what I say or the America gets it. Ah ha, it feels terrible to be on the other side! Knowing it is your fault that Trump will get into office and destroy every right you have ever held dear! It sucks! Unfortunately, now we are in the same boat! Oh, if only you were less interested in the boat and more interested in where the fuck we’re going! Don’t get me wrong, the boat sucks. But… you built it.

I apologize for enabling you. It’s my fault. I was convinced that shielding you from the consequences of your actions was a good thing to do. But it is not! Let me reiterate, the deal is you do what I say or the america gets it. If you don’t like the consequences of your actions, bummer!

I apologize for not speaking plainly to you in the past. The language of euphemism is the language of comfort. In the past, I argued in good faith, with as much polite language as I’m able to muster. You probably thought I was being impolite then; you do not know me. I argued politely about how incentives blah, and negotiations blergh, and incremental change are not enough, and I was right then. But then I went along with you! 

You were like, “If you don’t do what we say, Trump is going to rape children in the streets and that will be all your fault” and now you’re like, “If you don’t do what we say, Trump is going to rape children in the streets and that will be all your fault”. Back then I was like, “Oh no, I’ll follow along with you!” but now I’m like, “Pssst, uh, guh fuck yourself”. 

There are no more euphemisms. You are faced with the Nazis. Decide. Every WW2 movie you’ve ever watched posed the question, “What would you do?” Did you answer, “Lick boot”? We’re going to find out! 

I apologize for letting it get this far. If you are in opposition to me, we are in opposition, we are not on the same team. I am not on your team, whatever team that is. You can join my team, or the America gets it.


Go Kill Putin


Slavery Is Still Legal