Get Out Of The Way

Let the rich kill themselves! Do you think Project 2025 is a terrible plan? It is an extremely terrible plan. But it is also an unsustainable model that will destroy itself immediately. This plan was created by idiots

What we have done is help them refine their plans just enough. We are not making our own plans! We are moderating dumb ideas because of your faulty arguments. You are not stopping Project 2025. Project 2025 would collapse if allowed to be put into practice in full. If you don’t stop it, if instead you stop some of it. Then you are why some is in place, not them. 

They are fucking stupid! Why do you think their plans would work without the assistance of people like you!

You say something like blah blah blah this is awful, but here’s a version that could work! What in God’s name is wrong with you? What is 2000lb bomb or a 500lb bomb? You know there is no difference and yet somehow these monsters have convinced you that by choosing 500, you are morally righteous!

How is this possible? How have we allowed ourselves to let things get this far? By helping! 

Have you not seen what happens when rich people are in charge? Everything collapses! The Stock Market does not work at all! I’ve seen so many crashes, near crashes, and I’ve been told for decades that another one is around the corner! Not in spite of rich people being in charge, because of it! 

What keeps the machinery moving is you! You finance it! You finance their almost plans. You don’t finance any of your own. 

Do not donate a single fucking dollar to any of these people. If they want to lead, let them talk! And if you reply to me, they cannot to talk to everyone without money, I reply back, how many people can they talk to without money? 

That is how many they can lead, and no more.




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