The Media

Of course the media isn’t “The Media”. No one believes that individual dum dum talking heads are controlling the fuckin news bro nor does anyone believe that you or anyone you know is in charge of The Media. 

But you are The Media. You are a cell in the body that is “The Media”. And you are fuckin’ up, bruh!

The Media is you. The Media is you sharing articles written by idiots and then dunking on them for being stupid and then your friends joining in on dunking on them and then their friends and your friends are also in The Media

You are spreading the disease!

You share something that doesn’t make people respond. You share something that does make people respond. You share something that you care about, you don’t. People want to share what they care about and if you wind up sharing something everyone cares about, you will find out that is the news, not because some idiot in The Media wrote a dumb piece about dumb shit. You started talking about what people care about and now that’s what everyone cares about. 

Except you didn’t invite us! You didn’t invite the rest of us to the conversation. You don’t know us. You don’t particularly like us. You observe, as if we were some sort of bug, some wildlife that you think you have the right to comment on, Attenborough. 

And then you have the gall to absolve yourself by saying “None of us have control of the media”. You are The Media. Act like it! 

WE are the Media. We are not outside of it being told what is in. We are willingly creating a collective newsfeed filled with dumb shit on our own. We are sharing what idiots say. Idiots who don’t know us.

Why is local media dying? Because the conversation The Media has doesn’t include local news, because not everyone cares about local news. The Media isn’t interested in local news, you are. Create your own media. Create your own conversation. 

Have The Conversation with people around you. The Conversation does not need to include any rulers from DC. The Conversation does not need to include anyone. The Conversation needs to be small. The Conversation needs to be local

The Media needs to stop sharing bullshit with each other. Focus! I am in Chicago. I do not have the right to have an opinion on Hawaii. It is none of my business! I am in Chicago. I do not have the right to have an opinion on Gaza. 

People from Chicago getting into other people’s business is the problem! Why does a billionaire in Chicago have so much control over South America? What gives me the right to do anything but get everyone from Chicago the fuck out of South America. Leave them alone! 

People can figure shit out on their own! People are fucking geniuses!

You may think your opinion on stuff is good! That’s fine. Great! Maybe you’re even right about everything! What you have done though, is turn The Conversation towards everyone having an opinion! Now people with shitty opinions believe they have a right to have an opinion. What happens after that? People talk themselves into having a right to take their shit! 

Why? Because of us. The Media!

People talk themselves into a beer with the President being a good or bad benchmark, but that is THE CONVERSATION! When you share your good opinion, you are inviting dumb shit in response. And the dumb shit in response has all the money. 

You are the Media! And when The Media has The Conversation we lose because we are not invited. What did you share? Something valuable? Or something stupid? Something stupid someone with “power” wrote or said or did? Something incredibly fucking stupid and weird and insane? You are not a part of The Conversation, you are talking about other people talking.

Someone says something and then you have a response. Neither of you should’ve said anything about shit! You don’t have the right! Why didn’t you say something? Why didn’t you start The Conversation? Because you’re afraid other people won’t join in with you. You join The Conversation that other people are having and lose your voice in the process. 

They are having a conversation about _____. You need to have a conversation about ______ with people nearby

If you are being honest, if you are being serious about the threat of fascism, then learn history. It will be from outside that the boots come. They will try to take you. But they aren’t inside yet! Don’t let them in! 

Close the doors to the boots and open the doors for the refugees. 

Or do you believe The Conversation is a Lie?


Get Out Of The Way


Speak The Language