Be Realistic!

Be realistic! Be realistic, Jordan, be practical! These things are possible and these things are not possible. 

Possible: Everyone accidentally dying because the President sat on the Nuclear Football when he was drunkenly playing with it.

Impossible: Universal Healthcare.

Possible: Elon Musk being paid 50+ billion dollars.

Impossible: Seizing property from rich people.

Possible: Electing an official.

Impossible: Believing they will do anything.

Be realistic I say back to you! Anything is possible because everything is actually already fucking insane

Afraid of the rest of the world, want foreign policy plans? Here’s my foreign policy, it’s called the Mutually Assured Survival doctrine. If you make me president, every morning, I will disarm and dismantle a nuclear weapon at the same time as I begin the process to launch one at every major city on the planet. If every other country disarms a nuke that day, we all live! If not, we all die together!

Don’t like it? Don’t think it’s possible? Someone almost accidentally killed everyone on the planet because, based on radar outputs, it looked like it was a good idea at the time! Killing everyone on the planet because you saw some shit on a screen! Kill them all! Kill them all! WHOO!

If the whole world can die at any moment by accident, if we’re comfortable with fucking kings having access to an everyone dies button (that historically royalty can’t wait to use!), then why not be comfortable being open and honest about everyone dying on purpose? 

Is that ridiculous? What do you think is going on right now? All of this shit is ridiculous! They’re making more nuclear weapons! They’re making more bombs in general. Why? It’s ridiculous! So fuck it, be ridiculous, stop acting like you are a rational person living in a rational world. 

You are an irrational nutjob pretending everything that is utterly incomprehensibly stupid is actually smart because to think otherwise would be to recognize that everything is wrong!

You are not an intelligent person who can make reasonable arguments, you are fucking nuts! You are not arguing in good faith, you are assuming insane shit is fine and that I will assume it along with you! You are assuming that I share your belief in what is possible and what is impossible because you are assuming you have some concept of the two. You are wrong! You are wrong about everything! Act like it!

Is it a good idea to threaten everyone on the planet with destruction if they don’t disarm at the same time we do? You don’t fucking know! No one has even thought of that shit. I’m nuts. But the idea of accidentally ending all life on the planet is not sane

Stop pretending we are different because you’re better at pretending. You are being unrealistic.


I am a Clown


Say Fuck Or Lose