Say Fuck Or Lose

Say fuck on TV cowards. Say Fuck! Don’t say “The F word”. Don’t say “frick” or any other euphemism. Say Fuck! Fuck You if you’re too much of a coward to do so. Fuck you if your courage is the size of a micropenis - at least a micropenis exists

Democracy is on the Ballot

No it’s fucking not. Not if you can’t say Fuck on TV. Not if you don’t have the courage to say “Fuck” on TV.

Either you’re so afraid of losing your job that, sure, Democracy is on the Ballot, but My Job Won’t Let Me. I want to keep my job. I am just doing my job. I am told what to do by my boss and I am told what I cannot do by my boss. So even though I am telling you Jordan, that Democracy is on the Ballot, I cannot say that Fucking Democracy is on the Ballot. I cannot say Democracy in on the Fucking Ballot. I cannot say these things because I am a liar

If you can’t say Fuck on TV, you never lived in a democracy at all. You’ve never lived in anything but a place where you have to constantly defend yourself with “I’m just doing my job”. You constantly live in fear of losing your job because you say Fuck. Who gives a shit about telling the truth? 

You can’t say Fuck! Who cares if what you’re saying is important, it’s not important enough to use our strongest language! You’re lying to me if you say that what you’re talking about is important because you cannot say Fuck! You cannot use a word strong enough to describe what you’re talking about.

You are made of euphemisms. Why would anyone believe anything you say? Why would anyone believe the media if the media isn’t allowed to talk like them? Is the media allowed to call Kamala Harris a fucking bitch? No? Then people who call her that will never listen to you

You lost. You lost before you began because you cannot use language correctly. Because your boss won’t let you! You lost before you began because there are people out there who agree with you, who believe Democracy is on the ballot, but you can’t talk to them.

I’ve read too many books of journalists going to far right places as if anyone there would ever be honest. You don’t know what you’re talking about because you don’t speak the language. You are not allowed to speak the language. You are not allowed to understand these people. 

So people who would otherwise agree with everything you believe in will always go to the far right. The far right is wrong about everything except one thing, they are extremely right about one thing, you do not have the courage to stand up to them. You don’t have the courage to say fuck on TV.

Kamala Harris is a fucking bitch. Fuck you. Fuck her. Biden is a fucking dessicated trash heap. But you can’t say it! So you lose to me before you even began. You lost this argument before you joined it because you literally can’t prove me wrong! You can only prove me right by not saying fuck on TV! 

Democracy is on the Ballot 

But hey, democracy being on the ballot isn’t enough to say Fuck on TV. So, I guess actually don’t worry about it, you were going to go along with whatever fascist fuck gets elected anyways. Why are you mad at me?

Relax! Democracy isn’t on the ballot - if you’re a pedantic piece of trash - the Republic isn’t on the ballot, if it was, then someone would say Fuck on TV


Be Realistic!


Listen To Your Words