Naming Names No Teams

Shut the fuck up Owen Jones of the Guardian, you useless fuck. What do you have to say? Huh? Hey. You partially fucked up. Wow. You’re a shriveled, useless dick. What do you have to say? Oh, hey, the republic is crumbling… I bet it could be bad. What do you have to say? 

“The system doesn’t work for ordinary people.” 


Do you understand what it means to declare, confidently, that the entire system doesn’t work? Do you understand that if you mean that then you must conclude the system must be changed. 

But you’re too afraid to say it outright, you wimpy, ren-without-stimpy faced dumdum. Do you understand what it means to change the entire system? Do you understand that by saying one, you are also saying the other. If you say the system doesn’t work for ordinary people, full stop, then you are arguing to replace it.

If you are arguing to replace the entire system, then you are arguing for multiple scenarios, all of them are historically bloody. If you are arguing to replace the entire system, with what? 

Or were you just talking shit? 

Who lets people like you talk shit? The system has and will continue to be broke as fuck, because it’s a dumb awful system, but it will roll along because the people who would tyrranize us are utterly incompetent. You won’t have to do shit, you understand?

Things are going to unfold in the exact same way they have always unfolded since the system was created. Everyone just knows American lore and you don’t know fuckall about American history. So shut the fuck up if you don’t mean that you have to replace the entire system. 

Because that would mean you are also saying you want a revolution! Or at the very least, you believe that the system collapsing as such will lead to a right wing dictatorship - as if that is an obvious thing that will happen as opposed to you and I doing shit about it! 

Do you believe a right wing dictatorship is coming, you shit-gargling, shaved ballsack? Do you believe that a right wing dictatorship is coming? Then you also believe that tons of people are about to be murdered and your point is fucking nothing! What do you have to say? Is this supposed to be a look out? A warning?

If you are warning me, what am I supposed to do? Am I supposed to come up with a solution or am I supposed to watch this shit unfold while I improve to autofellatio yoga? What do you have to say? Look outside!

Do you think everyone but you is stupid? All of the people everywhere know this shit is falling apart. All of them want to put it back together. Even the Republicans you think are horrifying people, genuinely believe what the right wing has been telling them for decades which is that they are saving us from a dictatorship

Do you understand what they’ll do if it actually comes to a dictatorship? These people aren’t stupid. They’ve been scammed. You’ve been scammed I bet. That lady who wrote about being an absolute moron got scammed. Do you believe that it’s impossible to get scammed without being a dumb, bad person? Guess what, you dumb, bad person? It’s you all along!

If you want to talk shit like that, like an actual fucking revolutionary, then follow it up with action, you cowards. I’m speaking to all of you through Owen Jones, obviously, who is a tiny, cokelimped cock, because he’s just doing his job. He’s unable to do anything but imply that other people who give a fuck, should have a solution!

Here’s my solution, become tyrants! Go crazy! If you think the republic is crumbling into a right wing dictatorship, well that’s for wealthy people who get to kill us whimsically! Why not a left-wing dictatorship?

Are you afraid the far-right would immediately overthrow the government? What’s the difference then? What do you have to say? You have nothing to say if you have nothing to do.

So stop talking shit and shut the fuck up.


You Are An Upanishad

