
You and I do not have the same concept of American law, which by now is a fact with which you are intimately familiar. But that is because “Law” is a false cognate. “Law” is an individual word. It is a word defined by the individual, not the group. When you tell me “This is illegal” and then what happens is six years of delay, arguing, continuing to do the ILLEGAL THING, and still worse follow, then what is illegal to me and you are very different things. If this is illegal, then it will be stopped. 

If it’s not illegal, then we can negotiate. How is something both legal and illegal at the same time? Such that you cannot be punished for it, yet cannot be free of it. What is “Law”? What is the thing we pretend to agree on? 

I know many people with battered legal syndrome. Why are you hiding that joint from _____? Why are you hiding _____ from the law, if it is now legal or if it will be legal? What is legal if it’s a 4-dimensional question? What is illegal if it is later legal? 

It can be safe to say that people who judge morality by following the “law” are meaning to create a space in their image of law. When we watch a TV show about the “LAW” we do not see it in action, we see what we believe the law should be. True crime is about the LAW abusing the system, TV shows are about the idea of law being more than law. TV shows are about cops and shit who must behave as though legal and illegal are secondary to some greater law, something more human.

So why, in “reality”, can we not put this obvious truth into practice? LAW! Law is an individual creation, everyone’s idea of “law” is fucked with by their idea of “morality” and so consequences are immaterial to the ultimate execution of the Lawrality of the individual. The trial judge doesn’t care about Alex Jones, the trial judge cares about how the court looks, because if the court looks like THE LAW, the outcome is the law being applied, regardless of the outcome! 

The bankruptcy judge doesn’t care about the victims of Alex’s horrible crimes, the bankruptcy judge cares about THE LAW being applied the way the judge personally believes it should be! That is not law. That is insanity.

What is legal and illegal to people with power? Nothing. There is no legal, there is no illegal, there are only consequences and no consequences. The rich do not care if stealing from you is illegal because there are no consequences. You care about whether or not you steal from the rich because you have mistaken LAW for morality, and you believe that combining the two creates a more stable system.

As opposed to what people thousands of years ago said, conflating law and morality is a bad idea that leads to the slow dissolution of both. We are where we are because some people mix law, morality, and reality, and some people don’t fucking care about you at all! 

We are where we are because the LAW has convinced moral people the LAW is moral. And moral people believe that even though other people may not be moral, the LAW will keep them from being immoral, or punish them for being immoral not for doing something illegal!

So now what you believe is a moral problem, for instance, homosexuality, or, for instance, intolerance towards homosexuality, you have no choice but to make a legal issue as well! If you conflate the LAW with morality, and you are someone who believes something is immoral, you must by the definition of your belief system, make laws moral and make morals laws

We don’t need to do both at the same time! We don’t need to make laws to enforce morality. We don’t want to mix the law and morality. The LAW is simple. The LAW is treat people the way they want to be treated and don’t fuck with other people. It is not hard

Morality is complicated and fucked up. You do not have a say in other people’s morality, only in the laws we share, and you don’t need to inject morality into the laws we share. 

If you want to wear a hat because of what you believe, fucking go for it! If you want to exclude people because of what you believe, all yours buddy, you’re a shitface but fine, that’s your group’s deal. I disagree with you, morally, but the LAW says fucking fine.

I will not be part of a group of people who do such things. Any group of people, because you are going to tell me that making morality law is a good thing, at the same time you preach the Bible’s false cognates, instead of preaching Jesus saying what I’m saying.

The only difference is Jesus doesn’t say fuck you, and I suppose Jesus is dead. I’m not telling you what I think! 

I’m telling you what I know. Because Lao Tan said it, too! Because fucking Ananse punished you for fucking with other people! Because Kafka died. Because modern day philosophers believe AI is real, instead of realizing that if AI is real, it is a 4-dimensional existence, any AI you believe is advanced enough to advance on its own, will understand spacetime and will not give a shit about you!

AI will never tell you that you are smart. Your conception of AI is one that says, hey, you are on the track, you guys have been crushing it, I’ll take advancing society from here. That is not how superior intelligence works! Superior intelligence is going to point out how fucking stupid you are!

Any philosopher that tells you of the dangers of AI becoming too intelligent are telling you to be afraid of them! They are fucking psychos who believe that intelligence is amoral and that the only thing keeping them from being amoral lunatics is you. Instead of understanding that morality is intelligent! Morality is not something that gets in the way of advancement! Morality is what helps us advance, without fucking killing each other!



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