Bop it! Twist it! Steal it!

A boundary is not a boundary if you can cross it. A principle is not a principle if it can be tossed aside. Once argument reaches the boundary, argument is over and conflict begins. We are in opposition. There is no argument to be had. If you disagree with my principles, you are wrong, incorrect, someone to be ignored and not listened to.

That is the definition of a principle.

I will listen to every single word you have to say about tax reform. I don’t know fuckall about tax reform. Do you know what I think about tax reform? Taxes are bad. Does that make sense? No. So in regards to tax reform, I’m going to listen to the fuck out of you!

But you can’t commit a genocide. I’m not going to listen to you. Not even a little. Not just that, hold on for one second, you can’t commit arguable genocide! Not just that, guess what, you cannot fight a war. If you want those things, then I am not going to listen to you. No matter what.

The argument has been framed by others, by those who are not to be listened to. The argument has always been, if you don’t do this, more people will be hurt. If you do this, you will be responsible for the hurt that guy is going to do. 

That is dishonest. The argument is not that, nor has it ever been. The argument is would you rather these people were hurt or these people. That is the truth. If that is the argument, then you are arguing that someone gets to decide who gets hurt. You are arguing that my decision means more or less Palestinians die, but more or less ______ will be less hurt. 

If that’s your argument, here’s mine: steal everything from the rich. Take their homes, take their buildings, take their shit. Take it all. That’s my argument. Sure, people are going to get hurt, but that’s going to happen anyways, right? That’s your pitch. If we’re going to choose who gets hurt, how about make it worth everyone’s while?

I want SpaceX. I want to steal a goddam spaceship. I want to steal a fucking spaceship and then blow it up while reciting Whitey’s on the Moon. You think that’s wrong? What do you want to do? What do you want to do that doesn’t result in a series of events that winds up hurting people? 

We are in the era of hurt. We are in the era of someone is going to get fucking hurt. Maybe it’s me! I might get fucked the fuck up. I talk enough shit to deserve it!

If you want to believe the law still exists as it did twenty years ago, you are wrong. That is also something that you should understand makes you a person unworthy of being listened to. “Laws are still real” Incorrect! People who will fuck you up if you do something they don’t like exist!

Aren’t we supposed to enshrine that whole don’t follow immoral laws thing in our morality thing? Guess how many laws are immoral these days!

Once the actual Goddam Supreme Goddam Court is actually Goddam Broken - that’s the foundation of agreed upon law - once that happened, the rest of the law broke as well. 

What in god’s name are any of you doing reading a fucking dissent? How fucking dare you.

Steal a spaceship. Steal a nuke! Steal everything not tied down. We all lived through the pandemic together, didn’t you all watch this rickety ass ship nearly crumble because people stayed inside for almost two weeks?! 

This system is broken, toppling it doesn’t require a single moment of violence. 

Didn’t you watch Gamestop? Steal the stock market! What the fuck are any of us doing if even for a fucking day that was real?! Steal Gamestop! 

Whole Foods is Amazon, I stole a plant one time for my wife’s birthday, steal plants from Amazon! Money is the only thing that actually powerful people care about. Isn’t that what Citizens United - a Supreme Fucking Goddam Court Goddam Decision From BEFORE TRUMP - means? Didn’t we all already know this?

Everyone staying home for two weeks almost ended the country! Fighting is ridiculous! They have all the guns. 

This January 6th, steal the Capitol Building!


Slavery Is Still Legal


Were You Lying?