Listen to You!

Whatever, fine, you might say after discovering that there’s literally no way to argue with me. Maybe you are right, but it will never happen


What kind of fool would I be to think anyone would? Do you think I believe I am the first to say this? That I am the first to have these ideas? Fuck and No! I am just the only person who has heard these ideas and wants to tell you about these ideas and also says Fuck, all the fucking time. 

You’ve read - no you fucking haven’t! No you fucking haven’t! I know, because I have! I’ve read your book. I’ve read their book! I’ve heard your argument echo from 2000 years ago! 

“The sage doesn’t contrive, so she is not beaten

Not grasping, she doesn’t lose.” 

So what! So what if nothing I say will ever happen! I am not trying to make it happen! 

“Who can take this surplus and give it to the people?

Only one who possesses the Tao”

Guess how many? How many walk the straight and narrow?

“True words are not fancy

Fancy words are not true.”

I have read your book. I have read your hidden words. I have read the words that you want to say but can’t. I have read your words and I have understood your words because you are saying what you mean! You just don’t believe it!

You are saying exactly what you mean. There is nothing to read behind the lines. There is nothing behind

You’re just saying it bad!

No one understands your ten thousand words about blah. The people don’t need or want to! The people don’t need your bullshit. They need their own bullshit. The people don’t want you to give them proofs. You want proofs, enjoy! What the people want is what the proof means

When you say these people, in this group, grin with teeth like wolves as they say, “we want peace”. You are saying exactly what you mean! You are not talking about anything hidden. You are talking about wolves! Wolves that fucking eat people! Act like it! This group of people, armed, dangerous, lonely, broken, lost, unfulfilled people, grin like wolves! You’re not being hyperbolic!

I am listening! To YOU!

I am taking your words and applying their meaning. Do you write to me, Democracy is on the Line

What does that mean? That means that if we do not do what you say, the country will devolve into a fascist nightmare hellscape where people are executed in the streets, we know that because Nazis! 

I am listening to YOU! Why aren’t you listening to you? Why aren’t you saying to yourself, if Democracy is on the ballot, then my life is under threat! If I speak the truth in a fascist nightmare hellscape, I will die! 

If you say the Supreme Court exists solely for the advantage of the far right, you are saying that if the far right wants to do anything, the Supreme Court will make it legal! You think murder is wrong, right? If you say Democracy is on the line, then you are saying you are going to watch people get murdered and their murderers will go free! And be celebrated!

Or do you not mean your words? Why are you writing words you don’t mean?! You have to write true words, not just accurate words. Otherwise you’re full of shit!

“The koans of the Buddha are nice, but not as nice as the pussy I eat!” 

  • Ikkyu Sojun


One Big Factory


The Hoard Is The Threat