Do you think you’re smart? Do you think you’re strong? Do you believe yourself to possess some attribute to a greater degree than others? 

I bet you eat food! I bet if your body is spectacular, you eat specific foods, foods that are available to you. You are an animal! That needs to eat to grow, to succeed, to learn. These are attributes you cannot possess if you are starving to death

Are you pissed off that other people are stupid? Switch diets with them! Give them everything you eat and eat only what they eat! What do you think, you possess some sort of innate genius that can never be replicated by another human being? 

Do you think Rafael Nadal is genetically Rafael Nadal? Do you think these people succeed in spite of their awful diets? Reply to me that they were absolutely born with a talent that you were not born with. Obviously! But what do they do now that puts them above even others born with similar talent? 

They eat! They exercise! They use their vast resources to build teams of other people to improve every aspect of themselves. Rafael Nadal’s mind is what is spectacular, because that is what he has learned to dominate. His body is a machine. His body takes in stuff and becomes better

What could we accomplish if we had access to the same diet? How is it possible for us to know with absolute certainty that food can improve every aspect of every part of everything human, yet complain that other people aren’t up to standard? How is it possible for Elon Goddam Musk to have more than enough money to feed everyone and yet still complain other people aren’t as smart as him?

Do you think you’re smart? If everyone has access to your diet, you’ll find tons more people right next to you, as smart, as capable, as happy, as you are. Do you think you’re strong? Imagine tons more people, happy, equal, people you don’t want to bitch about.

Start with giving everyone food! Begin at the beginning. Your body needs stuff to improve. You don’t like that some people aren’t as “good” as you!

Give everyone food, first, and then talk. Or do you think you’re smarter than Jesus?

Chicago, we don’t grow our own food. Every day food is shipped in from outside of Chicago and it goes to grocery stores where we buy it for a markup. Close the borders! What is the wholesale cost of every piece of produce etc, shipped to Chicago every day? You pay a billion dollars just to pay off people the cops have murdered! That same amount could fill every grocery store in the city and then everyone could just walk in and take what they need. Because it’s ours!


Speak The Language


One Big Factory